The Remarkable Journey of Frank Turner Spending over 25 years on the road touring is a remarkable achievement for any artist. However, for punk-folk...
Excitement in Belcarra Village Hundreds of birdwatching enthusiasts from Ireland, the UK, and Europe are expected to descend upon Belcarra village, near Castlebar, in...
Volkswagen’s Affordable Electric Car Announcement Volkswagen has confirmed plans to launch an affordable, small electric car in Europe by 2027. The new electric vehicle,...
Impact of Smoking on Belly Fat Research suggests that smokers may have more belly fat, particularly visceral fat, compared to non-smokers. Visceral fat surrounds...
Rising Unhappiness Among Younger People The recent Global Wellbeing Index Report highlights a concerning trend where younger people in the United States and certain...
Exciting Fashion Trends for the Upcoming Spring/Summer Season 1. Short Shorts The warmer months are all about baring more, and for the spring/summer season,...
Dries Van Noten Steps Down as Creative Director After 38 Years Belgian designer Dries Van Noten, known for his innovative and experimental approach to...