The Remarkable Journey of Frank Turner Spending over 25 years on the road touring is a remarkable achievement for any artist. However, for punk-folk...
Excitement in Belcarra Village Hundreds of birdwatching enthusiasts from Ireland, the UK, and Europe are expected to descend upon Belcarra village, near Castlebar, in...
Volkswagen’s Affordable Electric Car Announcement Volkswagen has confirmed plans to launch an affordable, small electric car in Europe by 2027. The new electric vehicle,...
Astronomers Predict Spectacular Celestial Event A celestial dance between two stars around 3,000 light years away is set to create a dazzling outburst visible...
Burial Crypt Auctioned for $195,000 A burial crypt near Hollywood actress Marilyn Monroe and Playboy founder Hugh Hefner has been auctioned for $195,000 (€180,000)....
Revolutionary Technology to Unveil Undiscovered Planets Scientists have made a groundbreaking discovery that could lead to the revelation of previously unknown planets in our...
Research Shows Smoking Linked to Higher Visceral Fat Levels New research indicates that smokers may have increased levels of belly fat, particularly visceral fat,...
Wildlife Enthusiast Captures Raccoon’s Impressive Handstand in Front Garden Witness the fascinating moment when a raccoon surprises onlookers by completing a handstand and gracefully...
Katherine Ryan’s Insights on Parenting and Family Mealtimes Katherine Ryan, the Canadian comedian and mother of three, shares her experiences and learnings on parenting,...
Discovery of Ancient Bacteria in 4,000-Year-Old Human Teeth Scientists have made a fascinating discovery of bacteria linked to tooth decay and gum disease in...
James Tait Black Memorial Prize 2024 Shortlist The James Tait Black Memorial Prize has announced the shortlist for its 2024 edition. The prestigious award,...