Amandaland: The Motherland Spin-Off Series Fans of the beloved Motherland series can rejoice as the BBC has officially confirmed a spin-off series based on...
Yvette Fielding’s Experience with Rolf Harris Yvette Fielding, the renowned Blue Peter legend, recently opened up about a distressing encounter with Rolf Harris during...
Bomb Scare Temporarily Shuts Down Cannes Film Festival Entrance During the 77th Cannes Film Festival, the Palais entrance faced a temporary shutdown due to...
Moldova’s Prime Minister Dorin Recean on India and EU Relations In a recent interview, Moldova’s Prime Minister Dorin Recean shared insights on various aspects...
Former Barworker’s Perspective on Baby Reindeer Controversy A former barworker at Camden’s Hawley Arms, where Richard Gadd met the ‘real Martha’ Fiona Harvey, claimed...