About Gavin and Stacey
Gavin and Stacey, a beloved comedy series created by James Corden and Ruth Jones, follows the journey of two titular characters, Gavin and Stacey, as they navigate their relationship between Essex and Wales. The show also features memorable characters like Smithy and Nessa, played by Corden and Jones respectively.
Best Moments from Gavin and Stacey
Smithy’s Indian Takeaway Order
One of the most iconic scenes from the series is when Gavin’s father, Mick, takes an Indian takeaway order from Smithy. The hilarious exchange includes a long list of dishes and Smithy’s strong opinions on sharing food.
- Chicken bhuna, lamb bhuna, prawn bhuna, mushroom rice, bag of chips, keema naan, and nine poppadoms
- Smithy’s monologue on the politics of sharing food
Stacey’s Spot
During a breakfast scene, Stacey’s appearance with sunglasses leads to misunderstandings, with Pam initially jumping to conclusions about her well-being. The moment is resolved when it’s revealed that Stacey simply has a spot on her face.
Bryn and Jason’s Fishing Trip
A mysterious event from the past, Bryn and Jason’s fishing trip is a recurring topic throughout the series. The details remain undisclosed, adding intrigue to the characters’ history.
‘You’re Eating Ham, Pam’
When Pam tries to impress Stacey’s family by claiming to be a vegetarian, a humorous situation unfolds as she is caught eating ham in the kitchen. The awkward moment adds a touch of comedy to the family gathering.