Daisy Ridley’s Health Struggles Daisy Ridley, known for her role as Rey in the Star Wars sequel trilogy, recently revealed her ongoing health issues...
Charlie Higson’s BBC Payslip Revelation Charlie Higson recently shared details about his BBC payslip related to royalties from The Fast Show, and the amount...
Anne-Marie’s Joyful Introduction Anne-Marie, the talented singer, has joyfully introduced her daughter to the world, following a ‘secret’ pregnancy with rapper Slowthai. The couple...
Kate Beckinsale Hints at Hospitalization Cause Kate Beckinsale has recently shared updates on her hospitalization, providing some clues about the reason behind her stay....
Tammie Fox’s Heartbreaking Experience A Saturday Night Takeaway winner, Tammie Fox, was left devastated when her paralysed dog, Pumpkin, was banned from a TUI...
The Cult’s 40th Anniversary Tour The Cult has announced their upcoming tour to celebrate their 40th anniversary. The tour, named The 8424 Tour, pays...