Daisy Ridley’s Health Struggles Daisy Ridley, known for her role as Rey in the Star Wars sequel trilogy, recently revealed her ongoing health issues...
Richard Gadd’s Professional Conduct Allegations Richard Gadd, the creator and star of the Netflix series “Baby Reindeer,” has allegedly been questioned over his professional...
Hall & Oates Announce Musical Collaboration Breakup Hall & Oates have officially called it quits as musical collaborators after 50 years of performing together....
Martin Kemp’s Brave Battle with Brain Tumours Martin Kemp recently shared his thoughts on his health condition after being diagnosed with two brain tumours....
Alison Hammond’s Son Pays Rent Alison Hammond, the millionaire TV presenter known for her appearances on This Morning, has a unique arrangement with her...
Kendrick Lamar and Drake’s Ongoing Feud Kendrick Lamar and Drake’s rivalry has reached a boiling point as both artists have recently released new songs...
Teacher Shines on Britain’s Got Talent A teacher using music to help students with special educational needs wowed Britain’s Got Talent viewers with her...
Jay Blades’ Marriage Split Jay Blades’ wife recently shared a cryptic post following the announcement of their split after 18 months of marriage. The...