Transatlantic Live Video Portal Resumes Operations
After incidents of misconduct, the transatlantic live video “portal” between Dublin and New York City has resumed operations. The portal, designed to facilitate real-time interaction between individuals in both cities, had to be temporarily closed shortly after its launch.
Operating Hours
Dublin City Council has announced specific operating hours for the live stream. The portal will be active from 11:00 to 21:00 local time in Dublin and from 06:00 to 16:00 EDT in New York. It will not be operational 24/7.
Project Background
The portal, created by Lithuanian artist Benediktas Gylys, features large circular screens in both cities to foster a sense of connection between distant places.
Incidents and Measures
Reports surfaced of inappropriate behavior by users, such as displaying swear words, flashing body parts, and broadcasting footage of sensitive events like the 9/11 attacks. Organizers responded by implementing measures to prevent such incidents, including triggering a blurring of the livestream if the camera lens is obstructed.
Organizers issued a joint statement emphasizing that the portal should not be touched or stepped upon. They assured ongoing updates to maintain a positive experience for all users on both sides of the Atlantic.
Founder’s Message founder Benediktas Gylys emphasized the importance of caring for the portal and respecting other community members’ interactions with the sculptures. He stated, “As humans, we are creating the Portals experience together.”