In a daring heist, an armed gang targeted the exclusive Harry Winston boutique in Paris, known as “Jeweler to the Stars,” making away with a significant amount of jewelry. The robbery took place near the prestigious Champs Elysees avenue, a high-end area in the city.
Details of the Robbery
- The robbery occurred on Saturday, May 18, with the robbers escaping on motorbikes after snatching jewelry from the boutique.
- One of the robbers was armed with a long weapon, and they may have stolen millions of euros worth of loot.
- Footage of the incident showed the individuals dressed in black firing a warning shot outside the shop on Avenue Montaigne.
- No injuries were reported during the robbery.
Legal Actions Taken
A Paris court had previously sentenced eight men to prison terms ranging from nine months to 15 years in connection with a similar robbery that occurred in 2007-08, where items worth millions were stolen.
Government Response
The recent robbery comes amidst heightened concerns over public safety, especially after a recent incident where gunmen freed a convict from a prison convoy in northern France, resulting in casualties. The government is prioritizing the apprehension of criminals to maintain public order, particularly with upcoming European elections and the Olympic Games.